What Is Biblical Counseling and a Personal Testimony

After earning my master’s degree in psychological counseling, I was ready to change the world, one person at a time. I became a counselor because I genuinely cared about people, and with that shiny new degree in hand, I thought I was fully equipped to make a difference. But, plot twist—my world turned upside down when I realized there’s a huge difference between the world’s way of counseling and how God wants us to counsel biblically.

I started my career in addiction counseling, beginning on an inpatient floor and eventually facilitating outpatient groups. For about ten years, I loved it. But then, life threw me a curveball, and I “had” to become a stay-at-home mom.

“Had”? “Forced”? Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. Part of my life plan always included having children, so the change wasn’t sudden—it was planned. But after I had my third child, I didn’t expect daycare costs to “force” me into a career change. At first, I was a bit salty about stepping away from my career, but I didn’t realize that God was about to start working on my heart during that season.

I’ve always identified as a Christian. I’ve attended church on Sundays my whole life. But it wasn’t until God touched my heart during a women’s Bible study that I truly understood what it means to be His child. If you’d like to read more about how I came to Christ and my salvation story as a stay-at-home mom, you can find it at the bottom of this website’s “About” page.

Returning to Work and Discovering a God’s Approach to Counseling

Fast-forward a few years: My kids were all in school, and it was time for me to dust off my professional hat and re-enter the workforce. I was excited, but let’s be real, I was also a little nervous about rejoining the grown-up world.

By then, I had developed a daily habit of reading Scripture and actually applying it to my life, my marriage, and how I raised my kids (crazy, I know!). Why not sprinkle some of God’s wisdom into my therapy sessions? I now understood why everyone NEEDED the gospel to live a happy, peaceful life. I had life-changing truths to share!

So, I dove back into addiction counseling, and to my surprise, I noticed something I hadn’t expected: secular psychology often clashed with Christian beliefs. Even in addiction counseling, where people were seeking a “higher power” but had no idea who God was. The clash hit hard as I saw everything through a biblical lens and began wondering if I needed to find a new career. In His mercy, God started nudging me to rethink my whole approach to counseling.

Navigating Professional Standards and Biblical Truth

As a licensed counselor, I have to follow specific ethical rules. One of the big ones is that I can’t make decisions or judgments on disputable matters like religion. Therapists are meant to stay focused on their role and avoid getting into debates about religious or spiritual views.

That said, I knew how important a worldview is and how it makes a difference if a person is going to experience life-long positive change.

A worldview is the lens through which someone sees the world—it shapes how they think, believe, and act.

Worldview matter!  A Biblical worldview is based on a real person (Jesus) and Scripture. It is a foundation for understanding who we are, why we’re here, and how to make sense of life’s challenges.

The Difference Biblical Counseling Makes

Psychology studies the mind and includes the body because factors like the brain, hormones, and external influences, such as pain, must all be considered. Biblical counseling is also psychology—let’s make that clear. However, unlike regular psychology, biblical psychology is holistic because it recognizes our spiritual side and how it impacts suffering.

Modern psychology mainly relies on theories and data rooted in humanistic ideas. These models assume God doesn’t exist and instead focus on happiness as the main source of hope and the ultimate goal, no matter the cost.

Using scripture in counseling goes deeper, offering hope rooted in Christ. It provides answers to important questions:

  • Why do hardships exist?
  • How can we find peace and purpose in pain?
  • Who do we rely on during life’s trials?

A Summary of Biblical Counseling

Michael R. Emlet explains biblical counseling this way:

Biblical counseling is rooted in Scripture, providing a framework for understanding people, their challenges, and the solutions to those challenges. The goal is to remain faithful to biblical teachings while effectively ministering to others.

Scripture plays several key roles in biblical counseling:

  • Reveals God’s nature and our identity.
  • Acts as a lens through which we interpret life’s challenges.
  • Provides the central message of redemption through Christ.
  • Shapes the counselor’s character and approach.

Counseling biblically incorporates these principles into conversations, guiding people toward spiritual growth and transformation. Connecting with a local church is encouraged as it helps create community and grace-filled relationships that support the counseling process.

Experience the Difference

Are You Ready Counseling provides biblical support from an experienced, licensed counselor. Most insurance plans are accepted, and affordable self-pay cash rates are available.

Discover the difference when you allow God to guide you through life’s toughest challenges.

Visit www.areyoureadycounseling.com to learn more, or book a Free 20-minute consultation to ask questions and see how Biblical counseling can help you.