Not all Christian Counselors are Biblical Counselors
A Christian values faith, so why wouldn’t faith be part of the counseling experience? Since God created us, wouldn’t He be the ultimate counselor to seek when seeking answers to life’s toughest questions?
This leads us to a deeper question: What does it mean to be a Christian? At its core, Christians allow themselves to be guided by the risen Savior, Jesus. This idea doesn’t make sense until you read Genesis 1-3.
Unfortunately, psychology often rejects the use of scripture in counseling. Many counselors who identify themselves as Christian counselors don’t believe Scripture offers much, if anything, to address mental health concerns. This distinction matters because not every Christian counselor subscribes to the belief that Scripture should be used as the foundation for counseling.
See Blog: What is Biblical Counseling
Experience the Difference in Talking to Biblical Christian Counselors
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of modern psychology’s most widely used and researched methods. It focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to emotional distress and mental health issues.
Biblical counselors agree that thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the mind, environment, and circumstances, but they also believe one’s relationship with God shapes these.
The goal of biblical counseling is to help clients experience renewal, regardless of their circumstances. This holistic approach addresses the body (brain) and soul (mind), focusing on the whole person—emotions, behaviors, and spiritual life.
Whether you choose biblical or Christian counseling, it’s important to consider how each approach integrates faith with healing, recognizing that Scripture provides the ultimate truth and guidance for a believer’s life.
See the Article “A Christian Perspective on CBT.”
You can find Hope and Lasting Peace Meeting with Christian Biblical Counselors.
Hope starts with understanding.
In our first session, I’ll ask questions to get to know you, your circumstances, and your testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. We’ll also discuss how biblical principles apply to your unique situation.
Each session will weave biblical wisdom into our conversation, helping you recognize God’s loving relationship with you. You’ll receive personalized assignments to apply these strategies in your daily life.
Lasting Change Requires Action
A single session won’t transform your life. True change comes through applying biblical principles consistently.
Each week, you’ll receive assignments to reinforce what we discuss. Transformation happens as you invite God into your daily life and apply His Word to your thoughts and actions.
Biblical Christian counselors don’t recite verses or assign prayer in hopes of quick, supernatural fixes. Instead, you will learn how to partner with God for lasting, meaningful growth.
There’s only one thing left to do…
You’re here for a reason. Let’s discover the next step in God’s plan for your life—together.
Get Started
I’m excited to meet you! Call today (417) 448-0144 or click here to book a Free 20-minute consultation. During this time you can ask questions and see how Christian Biblical therapy by a licensed counselor can help you.
“There is freedom in any situation because, in the Lord, hope does indeed prevail.”
–1 Samuel 2:9
About Me

With a faith that’s grown stronger over the years, I’ve learned that God has a plan for each of us. He can turn a simple dreams into something more beautiful than we can image – like a flagpole on the front page.
I always dreamed of being in the spotlight.
I was a theater kid and dreamed of someday being a star! I was in 5th grade when I landed a part that had me in the spotlight. I was so proud of the role I was cast in. The local newspaper even chose me to be pictured on the front page of the local section. The article provided details about the local community play and listed the names of all the young budding actors. I was honored and proud to be a part of something bigger than myself, and there I was, pictured front and center on that stage. My big break?

Jane Perkins has a Master’s degree in counseling from the University of Illinois and maintains state licensure status in Illinois and Missouri. She has been counseling for over 26 years.
I was cast as the flagpole. I was a stationary star!
My dreams and career have been a divine duet.
As an adult and a true believer, I now understand that this life is not about me or being front and center. I am a part of something bigger than myself, but it’s no longer about me. I can still dream big, but it is only because I have a big God who can do all things!
A New Path
Although I was raised in the church, I didn’t grasp this truth until I was 36 years old – ten years after becoming a therapist – that I finally realized it was only through God’s power that I could accomplish all the dreams HE puts in my heart. This new understanding was so freeing that I naturally began implementing this truth in my chosen career. Now, in my fifties, I find it impossible to counsel others without sharing the truths of God and inviting Him to be the ultimate guide. He is the one who knows us all inside and out, so why wouldn’t we want His input? I stay current in traditional therapies, but they must harmonize with God’s principles if we are to anticipate any dreams, wishes, or purposes to come true.

I now live in the Branson, Missouri, area and enjoy spending my free time putting on muck boots to care for our backyard’s 12-18 hens. This is me and AL (AL is short for “Alison”)
My Testimony
Born and raised in the Chicago suburb of Naperville, IL, I never dreamed of leaving city life, but God had plans for me!
I married a wonderful country boy I met in college. With this ring… you will move three hours south to the Peoria area and begin a new life in the country!
Moving to a new town requires you to meet people to survive…
One of the women I met invited me to a church Bible study, so I gladly went—what better place to meet new friends?
No one knew me or my background, and I saw this as an opportunity to get to know other women in the area. I thought everything was going well when, about halfway through the study, one of the women pulled me aside and privately asked,
“If you were to die today and Jesus met you at the gates of Heaven and said, ‘Jane, why should I let you enter my heavenly home?’ How would you answer?”
That question didn’t go away.
As I had attended church all my life, I gave her the “correct” Christian answer. She seemed satisfied with my response to her questions, giving me a small nod. I didn’t think much more about her strange, private question, and she didn’t explain further why she asked it.
When a second woman approached me with the same question, I should have been suspicious, but it wasn’t until I was approached a third time privately that another woman asked the same question. It was then that I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. Somehow, this group of Christian women didn’t view me as “good enough” or “real enough.”
I was surprised and perplexed.
Frankly, I was a bit peeved! These women didn’t think I was a real Christian! What the…?, I was attending this Bible study, wasn’t I? I was dutifully hauling my three small children to church every Sunday! (Their father/my husband refused to attend church with me back then, but that’s another miracle of a story.) 🙂
I became bound and determined to prove to these ladies that I was a REAL CHRISTIAN! So, I grabbed my Bible – the one I received as a gift from my eighth-grade confirmation – and stared at it. I stared some more…
Where should I look?
Where should I start?
Truthfully, I had never really read the Bible on my own.
I’d followed along at church but never opened the Bible for myself. So, I took a deep breath, randomly opened the Good Book, and started reading.
God knew I didn’t know what I was doing, and He knew I didn’t even know what I was looking for. But He knew what I needed to see.
I opened my Bible to the Book of Matthew and started reading chapter seven. Jesus spoke about the difference between a false and a true believer.
Jackpot! Or so I thought.
I came to verses 13-14 and paused as Jesus pointed out that there are two paths: one wide and one narrow; one is the truth, and the other is a lie; one is easy, and one is difficult. Few even find it, let alone walk on it.
These verses were thought-provoking and scary, but not as scary as the ones next, verses 21-23:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Here’s what I realized…
It’s not enough to mentally believe in Jesus to earn a ticket to heaven.
Calling Him “My God” or “Lord” doesn’t earn me points in heaven.
And it’s not enough to attend church and communion once a week.
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than living in a garage makes you an automobile.
As a fifty-something-year-old woman, I know this with all my heart…
I am a Christian.
An adopted child of God who has been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
I value the time I am allowed to worship God inside and outside the church, reading from his word and maintaining a relationship with my Lord, Savior, and King through daily prayer.
My priorities, plans, hopes, dreams, and fears must be submitted and surrendered to God.
Can I ask you a question?
“If you were to die today and Jesus met you at the gates of Heaven and said, ‘Why should I let you enter my heavenly home?’ How would you answer?”