Hero Blog


A Path to Joy and Contentment

A Path to Joy and Contentment

Biblical Perspectives on Practicing Gratitude: A Spiritual Path to Joy and Contentment Gratitude in the Bible: A Path to Joy and Contentment Gratitude is deeply rooted in faith, humility, and recognizing God’s blessings. Practicing gratitude is a transformative...
The Healing Power of Tears: A Biblical Perspective

The Healing Power of Tears: A Biblical Perspective

Tears are often seen as a sign of weakness in our culture. But what if tears are actually key to healing and spiritual growth? I’d like to challenge the common belief that crying is a sign of weakness and introduce you to the idea that tears have power. We live in a...
A Christian Perspective on CBT

A Christian Perspective on CBT

A Christian Perspective on CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a formal psychological therapeutic approach based on how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected and affect our mental health. This counseling technique postulates that we can...
Treating OCD from a Biblical Perspective

Treating OCD from a Biblical Perspective

A Balanced Approach When working with clients who struggle with OCD, especially those with religious or spiritual fears, it’s crucial to take a compassionate and well-rounded approach. A helpful method is to integrate an understanding of God’s true nature, reshape...
What is Biblical Counseling?

What is Biblical Counseling?

What Is Biblical Counseling and a Personal Testimony After earning a master’s degree in psychological counseling, I intended to make a difference in this world. Little did I know, but my world was turned upside down when I discovered the difference between...

Walking Through Grief God’s Way

A Reflection on Bob Kellemen’s God’s Healing for Life’s Losses I recently read Bob Kellemen’s book God’s Healing for Life’s Losses, a must-read for anyone navigating grief in God’s way. Kellemen contrasts two approaches to grief: the world’s and the biblical...